Tuesday, August 16, 2011

9 months!

Bentley is 9 months old now and is on.the.move! He is a crawling machine, pulling up on the furniture and cruising on it, he plays peek-a-boo, waves hi, says mama and just recently started trying to clap. He weighs 17 pounds and is still in mostly 3-6 month clothing, I put him in 6-9 because that's what most of his summer clothes are but they are pretty big on him.

We're still breastfeeding and he is finally starting to enjoy solids. At 6 months he just wasn't having it, and I was more then okay with that! Some of his favorites are grilled cheese, chicken, pasta with a little bit of puree as a sauce, and fruit chunks.

He has no teeth and his ped doesn't think he is teething at all and even said she doesn't expect teeth anytime in the near future and I'm also very okay with that!

He still isn't sleeping through the night. We went to the neurologist yesterday and she said we'll run an EEG just to be sure that its nothing to do with seizures. I'm 99.9999% it will come back clear but I'm glad she is willing to do this for us, just to put my mind at ease. That will be the end of September and I think we'll be staying at the Ronald McDonald house since it needs to be on for 24 hours.

Monthly moose picture!

The Big Latch On event for World Breastfeeding Week:

Finally got the hang of a sippy cup:

Ready to head to Greenville to the doctors:

Bentley and Ronald at RMH!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

I forgot about this, oops! Quick update :)

I got busy with the little man and totally spaced his blog! Mommy fail. I left off at 3 months..he was starting to babble and had learned to roll over. Now, he is 8 months and a moving machine! He learned to sit up April 25th, a few days short of 6 months. He got up on all 4s and started rocking in the beginning of June and was crawling by June 20th. He can now pull himself up to standing and just the other day starting cruising on the furniture. He says mama, and as much as I LOVE it I can't wait to hear him say dada!

He still isn't sleeping through the night and I don't see that in our near future. Oh well, I'll continue to be tired and exhausted and complain about it. He's cute enough to get away with it though. Still no teeth! I have no clue if he is teething, every person we see swears he is because he "puts stuff in his mouth". Hello people, he is a baby, babies learn orally. His gums look and feel just like they always have.

Here's a few pictures from 4 months up to now..

4 month moose picture:

5 month moose picture:

6 months:

family <3:

Handsome boy!

favorite <3

7 months:

After his bath

8 months!

Fireworks with daddy:

Bentley and his girl Ryleigh!

We may not have it all together, but together we have it all <3

Sunday, February 20, 2011

As long as I'm living my baby you'll be. 3 months!

I can't believe Bentley is already 3 months old. He has changed SOOO much since he turned 3 months. He laughs at us when we act crazy, he talks (coos) when we talk to him, he ROLLED OVER! (belly to back). We got him a jumparoo on LYS for only $20! (in stores its $90). We cleaned it up nice and good and he is now finally getting the hang of it and loves it.

Here he is the day he turned 3 months :)

He LOOOVES bath time!

We went to have lunch with Daddy at work one day and it made Bentley very happy!

Loving his jumparoo!

In his baby aviators for the summer :)

and this one just cuz he's cute :)

Watch me grow!

We may not have it all together, but together we have it all :)

Saturday, February 19, 2011

2 months already?!

Time flies when you're having fun!

He loves playing on his play mat.

Nom nom nom, I love my fingers.

He loves to hang out in his bouncy seat.

Watching Finding Nemo!

Just hanging out on mom and dads bed..

Watch me grow! He really changed a lot in this one!

We may not have it all together...but together we have it all <3

1 month old

We loooove being a family of 3! It is so rewarding and we can't get enough of Bentley.

The binky is so big compared to his little face.

First real smile caught on camera! And it melts my heart every time.

He smiles alllll the time!

Bentley and all his buddies :)

loves bathtime!

fluffy butt!

Mommy and me!

Watch me grow!

We may not have it all together, but together we have it all.

Bentley's here! (3 1/2 months ago!)

I'm waaayyy behind on updating my other blog so I figured I'd start a new one, and what better topic then the little guy I get to spend all day with?

Bentley was born October 29th, at 6:38 pm after 32 horrible hours of labor and 2 1/2 even more horrible hours of pushing. But, it was all worth it after I finally got to see his sweet face when he was 6 1/2 hours old. He was 8 lbs 2 ounces and 19 inches of absolute perfection. We had some complications during the delivery and for about a day after, I won't get into it but at 30 hours old he took a $15,000 helicopter ride to Pitt Memorial Hospital where he spend 6 days in the NICU.

last pregnant picture! I was induced the next morning.

New mommy & new baby

First family picture

Hospital Picture <3 he was so chubby!

In the NICU (we had the BEST nurses there!)

NICU again

And his monthly "watch me grow" picture with Mr. Moose that his Nonna bought him!

We may not have it all together, but together we have it all <3